Personalized Cigar Holder



These cigar holders are made of faux leather and stainless steel and hold up to three cigars. This richly textured, synthetic material is water resistant, easy to clean and durable enough for the rigors of daily use. The high-quality workmanship of each leatherette piece is sure to impress with its elegant individuality. Each style comes with a cigar cutter tucked into a pocket on the reverse side that will cut a cigar up to 7/8" in diameter. A must have for any cigar enthusiast! Choose from our styles or create your own! Add a favorite team logo!

Great for Father's Day, Groomsman Gifts, Holiday Gifts, and Birthday Gifts!

Cigars Not Included

Tab title

These cigar holders are made of faux leather and stainless steel and hold up to three cigars. This richly textured, synthetic material is water resistant, easy to clean and durable enough for the rigors of daily use. The high-quality workmanship of each leatherette piece is sure to impress with its elegant individuality. Each style comes with a cigar cutter tucked into a pocket on the reverse side that will cut a cigar up to 7/8" in diameter. A must have for any cigar enthusiast! Choose from our styles or create your own! Add a favorite team logo!

Great for Father's Day, Groomsman Gifts, Holiday Gifts, and Birthday Gifts!

Cigars Not Included